Monday 15 June 2009

An Exciting Day in the Water

Hi there! It’s Ruby here.

His nibs has let me loose on the blog today. I think he must have been in a good mood, as not many people are allowed near his computer, let alone allowed to work on his blog.

Well to catch up on my latest adventures (which are far more interesting than those of the old and wrinkly one) I spent the day yesterday with Olivia and Sarah, and slept there the previous night, and I’ll tell you what, they don’t half spoil me (but keep it quiet I don’t want to hurt billatbingley’s feelings.) I was allowed to sleep on the bed and it was so much more comfortable than the old duvet, stuffed with old pillows and filling, that I have at home.

At about seven o’clock in the morning we went for a walk down Beckfoot Lane. Later on I even managed to get them to take me right down to the Bridge where there is a stream and I can swim in it. As it was very hot I had a super swim and cooled down in the water.

Sarah and Olivia have two cats. One called Socks - he is black and has white socks at the end of his legs. I don’t think he likes me very much. He just tends to put up with me. The other cat is called Tillie, and she is a tabby with some white. She seems to like me, and we get on very well. Yesterday whilst she was asleep on Sarah’s knees I nuzzled up to her with my nose.

In the afternoon I got a real treat because we went in the car to Shipley Glen, and there are always lots of interesting people and dogs there. I really enjoyed romping about on the rocks, even though I fell off one, but being big and brave I didn’t even whimper. I just picked myself up, shook myself and carried on enjoying the sights and smells of the glen. Down in the bottom of the glen there is a stream and I went for a swim in it.

In the evening billatbingley and his missus called to collect me, and he took me for another walk on Beckfoot Lane. We met a man who had a sandy coloured Labrador type dog called Mollie. She was a bit giddy and excitable, but her owner explained that she was still a puppy and just over a year old. We got along fine and romped on the grass at the end of the Lane.

I returned home and have had a good long sleep.

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