Saturday 6 July 2013

For Better or Worse, In Sickness and in Health........

I am sure you will recall the Queen commenting on her Annus Horribilis. Well it has been a bit lke that in the Bentley household, with the main exception being  that it all seems to have been contracted into about fourteen days! 

Let's go back a little way in time first. As you all know I have been suffering from an athritic knee and it was decided to go into the Yorkshire Clinic for a total knee replacement operation. This took place on Tuesday 11th June, and went well.

 I came out on Saturday 15th June, and had been given a series of knee exercises by the Physiotherapist. Approximately a fortnight later (on Monday 1st July) I was booked in for a 45 minute physio session with Aideen Farrell, one of the physiotherapists.
Aideen is a slim, gentle girl with a delightful lilting Irish accent which I swear has aphrodisic powers! Being put at ease and lulled into a sense of security I was put through my paces, and this is where the name physiotherapist changes to physioterrorist! My knee was asked to stretch, bend and do all kinds of exercises it had never experienced since the operation, and at the end of the 45 minute session I felt like I had been put on the rack and stretched!

What is it the pundits say? - "No Gain Wthout Pain" - well if that was true I should have been skipping about like a young Spring Lamb!!!! Over the following week, and sticking religiously to the exercise regime, things have tended to slowly improve, and to be honest I can sense a difference. The only problem is that if I stay in any one position for more than about 40 minutes, the knee joint stiffens up and it takes about 5 - 10 paces before it is working properly again. Hence the fact that to stop it stiffening up I have become the original "Fidgety Fred." 

If you have read this blurb so far, you may well be wondering why I have mentioned at the outset that it has been a Fortnightly Horribilis. Read on, and as the stripper says,  and all will be revealed.......... 

Let's step back in time. Sarah, for some years has been suffering with athritis problems in her neck, and these flare up from time to time and she has to go on a TENS machine to try and relieve the pain. If this is unsuccessful she has to visit hospital for injectons into her neck.

This was the result of her last visit to hospital

Hannah was successful in gaining promotion to a year leader, and we decided that we would take her and Ben out for a celebratory meal to the "Lord Rodney" in Keighley, but at this point in time I was not too happy at venturing out, so we decided to have a celebratory Aagrah Curry at home. This was fine until you learn that Ben (Hannah's husband) suffers from Hay Fever, and spent all the meal with a tissue stuffed up his nose, and Dot spent of most the meal sneezing her head off! Hannah has been off it with a woozy head and feeling sick since then.

And Rachel? She discovered a couple of days ago that they had a water leak in the cellar, and she has been busy collecting buckets of water and trying to stop a major flood. Various water board officials have visited, and the last I heard was that they were passing a camera up the pipes to see if that could reveal the cause of the problem.

On Wednesday Dot went down with Sickness and Diarhoea and she is just about getting over it, when on Friday night I was feeling sick. If felt like an army of little men in hob nailed boots were doing a war dance in my stomach! Fortunately I haven't been sick (yet!) but I spent most of Friday night sitting and dozing in my office chair just in case I was sick, so that I could grab a bucket and not cover the bed or floor!

Dot has a notice on the kitchen wall which reads "Family is everything" and I must confess they have come up trumps whilst we oldies and sickies have been incapacitated. Garry has ferried me to the Clinic, Hannah has done lots of shopping. Sarah has been a bit out of it having been in hosptial, but she has kept ringing up to see how we were progressing. Olivia has popped in to keep an eye on us. Thank goodness for families!

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