Wednesday 17 February 2010

Global Warming? More Like Global Freezing!

I pulled back the curtains this morning and looked out of the window, and was greeted with a heavy frost on the lawn, which only extended as far as the end of the gardem, and then disappeared into the fog. Ruby, who usually sits patiently by the back door, and the moment I open it, stands and has a sniff of the air, and then goes out. It was obviously not to her liking this morning, because after sniffing the air she did a smart about turn and headed back to her bed and cuddled up against the radiator! She would normally be all excited at taking the good lady to work and would be sat at the back of the car waiting to jump in, but she never stirred from the radiator!

Thinking about what rotten cold weather we have been having for the last two or three months (Yes! It was way back in December when we got some of the first falls of snow) reminded me of the Flanders and Swann “Song of the Weather” which I quote:

JANUARY brings the snow,
Makes your feet and fingers glow.

FEBRUARY ice and sleet
Chills the toes right off your feet,

Welcome MARCH with wintry wind -
Would thou wert not so unkind!

APRIL brings the sweet spring showers,
On and on for hours and hours.

Farmers fear unkindly MAY –
Frost by night and hail by day.

JUNE just rains and never stops –
Thirty days and spoils the crops.

In JULY the sun is hot
Is it shining? No, it’s not.

AUGUST cold and dank and wet
Brings more rain than any yet.

Bleak SEPTEMBER mist and mud
Is enough to chill the blood

Then OCTOBER adds a gale -
Wind and slush and rain and hail.

Dark NOVEMBER brings the fog –
Should not do it to a dog.

Freezing wet DECEMBER,then
Bloody JANUARY again!

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