Saturday 29 May 2010

Here We Are Again

Well Folks. Here it is again. Turning up like the proverbial bad penny. What, you may well ask, am I rambling on about?

Then one and only annual show we all love to hate, but can't resist and we still all tune in to see just how awful and excruciating the contest will be.

I am, of course, referring to the one and only Eurovision Song Contest!

A few interesting facts about Eurovision and the winners.

Did you know that then UK has won the contest five times, and been in the top ten no less than fourteen times since 1985. The UK is third in the Euroviom League table.

There are two semi finals, but UK, France, Germany and Spain have an automatic entry to the finals because they contribute the most money to the EBU (European Broadcasting Union) (Who said money doesn't talk? - well as far as the Uk is concerned it certainly can't sing!)

The country with the highest number of wins is Ireland. (It just shows what poor taste some of the voters have!) It has won the contest no less than seven times, but at present it is going through a bad spell withn only one top ten finish in the last ten years.

Each song must be no more than three minutes in length (I think this is because the poor suffering public cannot endure any more!) and no more than six people can appear on the stage at any one time.

Live animals have been banned from appearing since 2008 (They'd probably give some of the performers a good run for their money.) There was a rumour that Austria might use live animals in 2003, but in the end they used cardboard cutouts. (They were more entertaining than the performers!)

So how well do we expect the UK to do this year? Well the bookies are not very convincing, offering odds of 150/1 against a win for Josh Dubovie and his song "That Sounds Good to Me."

Even Pete Waterman, who has written the song (with his old partner Mike Stock) says it is "highly unlikely" the UK will win the Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo this weekend, but that he is giving it his best shot!

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