Saturday 18 January 2014

And When Did You Last see Your Father?"

Just spent an afternoon watching the Film "And When Did You Last see Your Father?" The film is a series of flashbacks to various periods in the life of Blake Morrison as he remembers moments he shared with his father Arthur while he, his mother and younger sister Gillian tend to him on his deathbed in his Yorkshire home. Despite Blake's success as a writer, poet, and critic, his father - a rural general practitioner - never accepted his decision to pursue a literary career nor was he willing to acknowledge his achievements in his field. Bullying, blustery, and boorish, Arthur blunders his way through fatherhood, regularly calling his son a fathead and intruding into the boy's private moments with a sense of entitlement. He has a penchant for exaggeration when he's not telling outright lies, and he publicly humiliates his long-suffering but passively complacent wife Kim with his shameless flirting with various women and an affair with Beaty, a friend of the family. At other times, he seems genuinely interested in bonding with his son, taking him camping so they can test supposedly waterproof sleeping bags he has made or allowing him to drive in the family's Alvis convertible on a wide expanse of deserted beach with reckless abandon. As a result, Blake is left with mixed feelings for the man, ranging from deeply rooted anger to compassionate acceptance. Only after Arthur's death is he able to set aside his resentment and recognize him as a father whose flaws ultimately helped mold his son into the better man he is. After reading the plot this sounds anything but a bundle of fun, but I can assure you that it is quite entertaining. In the opening sequence Arthur wanted to get to Goodwood for the opening car race, but is held up in a traffic jam, so he waves his stethoscope aloft and goes past the queue shouting "Doctor" at the top of his voice. He arrives at the wrong entrance with the wrong coloured tickets, but is not to be put off and again uses his doctor ruse to get in!

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