Sunday, 22 January 2017

The 45th President of the USA

It is quite a long time since I did a blog, (January 2014 to be precise) and so here goes.

At the moment I am suffering from a surfeit of Donald J Trump news. I wonder how he is going to make out as the 45th President of the USA. He seems to have had no previous experience in politics so it will be interesting to see how he progresses. He has certainly gathered both allies and enemies on his journey to the White House!

One wonders how he will handle the pressures of the job. He is not in control of a business empire now, and I sure that he will find a big difference when he comes across people who oppose him.

On the "plus" side, he must be used to handling large organisations, and certainly seems to have been successful in so doing - or was it that he was ruthless? I am certain that he won't be able to run the White House in the same way! 

I think we could be in for an interesting time in US politics.

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