Saturday 26 December 2009

Christmas With The Family

The Christmas Celebrations have been completed. – the Christmas meal – a delicious starter of carrot and coriander soup, followed by slices of turkey, along with stuffing [sage and onion, and apricot], Brussels sprouts, carrots, leaks, roast potatoes, potato croquettes, cranberry sauce, and gravy, all swilled down with a medium sweet chardonnay, has all been consumed. Sweets such as Christmas pudding, lemon meringue pie, mince pies etc. have been left for another day due to full and contented feelings after the main course!

The usual Christmas crackers were pulled, silly jokes were exchanged (What did the policeman shout at a snowman burglar - FREEZE! What does a lazy Santa Claus get? – THE SACK etc. etc) and party hats were worn.

The theory was that we may have gone for a walk on Boxing Day, but, being old and doddery, and also due, in the main to the mistress of the house working, this just didn’t take place. So all the Christmas left overs have not been packed and taken to be consumed on a picnic. Up to a year or so ago, it was the annual trek to Fountains Abbey, followed by a picnic in the car park afterwards.

Following on from the Christmas meal, which was a quiet and sedate affair this year (we just had our youngest daughter and her fiancée joining us (plus a miniature pinscher [ Pixie] and a woolly mop [Macey] ) we all moved on to the middle daughters house, where our eldest grandchild (Olivia) opened her presents, and gifts were exchanged between the respective adults. Approximately an hour later the family then moved on to the oldest daughter’s house, and once again the grandchildren (Mollie & Tom) were occupied with opening of presents, and the respective adults exchanged presents.

Now we look forward to our trek up to Masham for three days total relaxation at the King’s Head!

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