Wednesday 10 August 2011

Civil Unrest in Major Cities

I have followed with growing shock and horror the unfolding events in London, Liverpool, Birmingham, Salford and Manchester.

I cannot say that I have been surprised that this kind of civil unrest, violence, theft, robbery and out and out lawlessness has taken place. For far too long, as a society we have been far too laid back and not faced the reality of the situation which has been staring us in the face.

We hear talk about "our rights" from the younger generation, but have any of this generation been taught that with rights comes responsibility? Looking at the TV footage of the violence it seems that the vast majority of those involved are from children still of school age up to possibly 30 year olds.

We hear the civic leaders and the police pleading for parents to ask, and have knowledge of where their children/teenagers are. For far too long these self same parents have abdicated their responsibilities and not wanted to know what their offspring have been up to. or where they were. It has often been a case of "out of sight, out of mind."

We have seen the police hampered by the do gooders and civil rights brigade who have taken every opportunity to criticise the police when they have tried to establish law and order by forceful means. Is it any  wonder that faced with the present situation the police hold back, knowing that the ever watchful cameras will be recording their every move, and that at some later stage some smart ass lawyer will be defending a criminal thug, and taking the opportunity to prosecute the police for trying to do their job in extremely difficult and dangerous circumstances?

The presumption that these morons don't know right from wrong holds little water. If I went along and stole or vandalised some of their property they would very soon show that they knew right from wrong!

My grandfather had a saying, which still holds true today. It was "The Devil finds work for idle hands to do!"

I would suggest that many of those involved in the current unrest are enjoying the excitement of their actions. It is relieving the monotony of their lives.

I have listened to various "experts"  putting forward their theories as to why this is happening, but in the main they have been defending the unacceptable behaviour of these mindless thugs. Plenty of words such as alienated, underclass, underprivileged etc. have been bandied about, but I haven't heard too many comments about responsibility, compliance with law and order, etc. 

There have been calls to "bring in the army", but all that really needs to be done, is to give the police the opportunity and ability to enforce the law of the land by whatever lawful means they have, without the fear of the civil rights brigade trying to bring prosecutions at any and every possible opportunity. 

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