Saturday 12 September 2009

Nearly a Disaster - then Celebrations!

Last week was the start of term for most of the children around us. For Mollie (our youngest grand daughter) it was a momentous time. She has just moved from her Primary School (where her mum works in Nursery, and her brother also attends) to a Secondary School. The Secondary School is about 20 minutes walk away from home in the opposite direction to her Primary School, so Mollie and two or three of her friends have to walk to school together.

All went well for the first few days, and then disaster struck yesterday. To get into the school you need a swipe card, and this also carries a record of the money you have paid for your dinner. In other words without the swipe card, come dinner time – no dinner. Mollie, in her haste to get off to school had forgotten her swipe card. There were frantic text messages to Mum, but Mum had not seen them. Then there was an almost tearful phone call too.

Eventually Mum got the message and reassured Mollie that she would be able to deliver the swipe card to the reception area before the start of school. So all ended well!

By the way a certain Mum has reached the big 40 today! There are celebrations at the local rugby club and about 200 guests expected. Something which really touched me and the missus was that Rachel asked for no presents, but donations to two of her favourite charities. Well done you. It seems we did something right when we brought up the children!!!!!

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