Saturday, 17 April 2010

All the Latest News From Ruby

Hi there folks! It’s Ruby here.

I’ve just been doing a check on the gardens to see if the family are keeping them tidy. On Friday her ladyship spent a lot of time in the garden trimming edges, pulling up weeds, re planting and generally tidying up, and Lord Malcolm came out to trim some of the bushes with the electric trimmers.

There was great excitement when her ladyship discovered that the pond was laden with frog spawn.

The next door neighbour was cleaning out his pond yesterday, and he had lost all his frog spawn, so we offerred to let him have some of ours.

On Saturday afternoon there was much mowing of the lawns, both front and back. It all seems fairly ship shape, so after an exhausting inspection (by me) I took the opportunity to have a relaxing afternoon in the sun, and get in a bit of sunbathing too!

Later on in the afternoon we were visited by Mollie,

who had been taken to Keighley by Hannah, supposedly to be measured for her bridesmaid dress, but in reality to have her ears pierced. I’m just glad that none of the family has come up with the idea that it might be a good idea to have my ears pierced!

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