Friday, 24 June 2011

And There Was New Garden Fencing Too!

We have just about got the kitchen finished. It has all been decorated and we just await the arrival of the wall tiles and floor tiles! These should be with us on Wednesday 29th.

I mentioned that whilst we were having the kitchen fitted, we also decided to have a new fence in the back garden. (In for a penny, in for a pound!) So we had all the disturbance at the same time.

The dividing fence was made up of split logs, and was beginning to show its age. The new fence, which replaces it is of the "overlap" type.

The original fence between the garden and the field was of planks fixed to alternate sides of the upright supporting posts. The previous fence fitter had built the fence to the lie of the land in the field, and this gave the impression that the fence was sloping to the left hand side!

The new fence has been erected so that the top of it is level, and this means that it is lower at the right hand side than the original fence, so it gives a less restricted view up the fields to the skyline.  

1 comment:

  1. The fencing is really nice, did you do it yourself or get someone in? How is the kitchen coming along? I don't think i could face this all at the same time you must be brave! or mad! it looks great though.
