Saturday, 29 January 2011

A Frosty Morning

It seems that the weather forecasters are getting better at their job. A few days ago I heard Paul Hudson on the local BBC "Look North" programme predicting that we would be in for another cold snap. Both yesterday and this morning he was proved right.

Below is the view of our garage roof (at 10.30 am) and you can still quite distinctly see the frost on it, and the water frozen in the container for the birds to drink from!

Not owning a minimum/maximum thermometer, I have no idea what the outside temperature dropped to last night, but by the feel of the inside temperature this morning, when I got up at about 7.30, the overnight outside temperature must have been well below freezing.
Just take a look at the windows on the side of our garage. It almost looks as though there are some curtains there, or that the glss has been broken. It's actually the frost on the windows you can see!

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