Sunday, 21 February 2010

Snow, Snow, Snow.

Isn’t it amazing how a fall of snow changes your perspective on everything?

We had had the grandchildren (Mollie & Tom) spending the evening and night with us on Saturday, and when I took Ruby out for her final walk at about 9.30 pm it was extremely cold and frosty. The ground sparkled like precious jewels, the grass crunched underfoot and there was a definite crispness in the air.

The grandchildren were awake at about 7.15, so I got up, and had a look out of the window. Everywhere was covered in a sheen of white, and there was a sense of peace and calm, that you get when the snow absorbs the usual sounds (although at 7.15 am on a Sunday morning there is usually very little in the way of ambient sound around.)

Collecting my camera I took a few shots of the white world outside.

Garden trespasser

I had left the camera in my pocket, and when I arrived at church is was fairly obvious that the congregation was not going to be very large, so I took the opportunity of taking some shots of the church before all the footprints appeared in the snow and spoilt the view.

On the way home from church I passed a young couple busily engaged in constructing a seated snowman on a seat outside the Bradford and Bingley Building Society Offices, and I couldn’t resist a few shots of that too!

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