Saturday, 19 December 2009

All the Latest News from Ruby

Hello there! It’s your lovable Labrador Ruby here. I’ve just got back from a walk with the missus and thought I would do the blog today!

I went to a birthday party yesterday and met up with my two sparring partners Pixie (the miniature Pinscher) and Macey (The woolly rag.) It wasn’t either of their birthdays but it was Sarah’s birthday bash. She was thirty harrumph – I promised I wouldn’t divulge her true age to anyone.

You see she has promised to take Pixie, Macey and me out for a long walk on Tuesday, so I’m really looking forward to that! We’ll all pile into her little smart car (it’s a two seater sports model, and a bit more racy and up to date than the Zafira I usually ride in!) and then no doubt head off into the country somewhere.

I don’t know if you know, but I went all the way to Manchester on Thursday to see a nice vet who x rayed me to check that I wasn’t suffering from hip dysphasia. When I get the results, if I’m OK I think I’m going to have some puppies!

I love the snow. It’s great to frolic around in, but the only trouble is when I sniff along the ground I finish up with more snow on the end of my nose than the local snow plough!

Just to show you what a strong active dog I am I’ve attached a couple of photos the boss took of me up the field this morning.

Lots of love

That's me hiding behind the tree!

Me, enjoying a romp in the snow.

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