Oh! One piece of news I can tell you is that fellow blogger Barry has kindly put a link on his site through to mine so that his followers can see my efforts concerning Jamie’s First Birthday Barbecue.
So what can I tell you? – It’s the start of what I call “The Wedding Season”, and so I have a wedding to play for on Saturday. After that the weddings start to come thick and fast, and over the next three months I find I am at church most Saturdays and often on Fridays too. The reason for this is that the church where I play is a lovely old traditional church. It has a full set of bells and quite a picturesque churchyard, making it very suitable for wedding photographs. There seems to be a trend in couples deciding to get married on a Friday, probably because they cannot get the place they would like to hold their reception in on a Saturday as it is already booked up.

Thinking back over the weddings I have played for, one comes across some amusing events. I well remember one where the best man arrived looking somewhat battered (one arm in a sling and evidence of bruising around his eyes) It seemed he had had an over exciting stag night the previous evening, and the alcohol had got the better of him. He had fallen over a wall! I didn’t hear what his Bride had to say to him. Then there was an occasion many years ago, when it was a good idea to get married before Easter as you could claim a years tax back. Hence the Saturday before Easter was choc a block with weddings. On this occasion I had no less than five weddings to play for. One on the hour every hour from 10.00 am until 2.00 pm. The vicar at the church had stressed to each of the couples that they must be at church on time (otherwise the following weddings would become progressively later and later.) He had said that if any of the couples arrived more than 15 minutes late their wedding would be postponed until after the last wedding.
The third couple were West Indians, and as a race they are not known for good time keeping. They are very laid back and relaxed about time. Well I am sure you can guess what happened.
Yes they arrived almost 30 minutes late, and so had to wait until the 5th wedding had taken place. Fortunately they were very relaxed about the whole situation, and sat through the 4th and 5th weddings! So they got a couple of dummy runs before they had to take their own vows. No problem man we were word perfect by then!
More recently I played for a wedding, and nobody had thought to pay the wedding fees. The Vicar insisted that they must be payed before he could go ahead with the service. It was quite fun seeing the couple have a whip round their guests to pay for their wedding!
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