Nick Griffin Leader of the BNP
I think it was almost inevitable that the BNP would gain a seat or two in the European elections. That is exactly what Andrew Brons & Nick Griffin have done. Let’s get it straight right from the start. I am not a supporter of this party or what they stand for, but I can see why a lot of otherwise rational and “live and let live” voters have decided to put their X for the BNP. They have given up on the Labour or Conservative parties, with their false promises of a referendum on membership of the EU. They are sickened by the profligate claims made by the sitting MP’s. They are horrified at the dishonesty which has crept into all the main political parties. After reading Nick Griffin’s comments in this morning’s Yorkshire Post I can understand why some otherwise fair and upright citizens have been swayed into giving the BNP a chance. Take two of his comments. He refers to the other parties as taking Christianity out of this country by declining to display Christmas Lights”. (Not said, but probably the hidden agenda in this statement must surely be “because it upsets the Muslims/Sikhs etc. and we don’t want them running our country”)

Andrew Brons BNP Member
On the face of it Nick Griffin's statement will seem to be what a lot of right minded voters would agree with. Neither the Labour Party nor the Conservative Party has done anything to help their causes by condoning such reprehensible rubbish as banning Christmas lights. Whether you are an active Christian or not, the vast bulk of the population love to celebrate Christmas. The politically correct and equality officers from both the Labour and Conservative parties have given the BNP just the ammunition they require to glean more votes, and let’s face it Nick Griffin will make great mileage out of their crass and senseless pontificating.
His second statement referred to Britain as “a crime ridden slum without industry left.” At the time when we are all feeling the pinch due to the present economic climate, and seeing the profligate claims made by members of the three main political parties, it is small wonder that many voters have turned to the BNP.
The problem is have these otherwise fair minded and sensible people taken stock of the implication of their actions. Do they really want what is a fascist party representing them in Europe?
Just to put the BNP leader Nick Griffin in perspective:-
In 1998, Griffin, along with Paul Ballard, was convicted of violating section 19 of the Public Order Act 1986, relating to incitement to racial hatred for his editorship of issue 12 of The Rune, published in 1996.
On 14 December 2004, Nick Griffin was arrested on suspicion of incitement to racial hatred, relating to a BBC documentary broadcast in July 2004, in which he was recorded at Morley Town Hall (in a constituency which later went on to elect a BNP councilor in 2006) as saying that Islam was a "...wicked and vicious faith".
In issue 12 of the BNP publication The Rune (see 1998 public order conviction) Nick Griffin called the Holocaust "the Holohoax" and criticized the Holocaust denier David Irving for admitting in an interview that up to four million Jews might have died in the Holocaust. Griffin wrote: "True Revisionists will not be fooled by this new twist to the sorry tale of the Hoax of the Twentieth Century.” Griffin was eventually prosecuted for his articles in The Rune (see below).
In 1997 he told an undercover journalist that he had updated Richard Verrall's Holocaust denial book Did Six Million Really Die? On an edition of The Cook Report, Griffin was shown at a meeting recorded clandestinely, describing his former MP, Alex Carlile, QC, as "this bloody Jew... whose only claim is that his grandparents died in the Holocaust." Carlile had reported The Rune to the police.
In his defence during his 1998 prosecution, Griffin said: "I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that six million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the world is flat ... I have reached the conclusion that the 'extermination' tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter witch-hysteria."
Andrew Brons has not such a good track record either:
Brons began his political career at seventeen, when he joined the National Socialist Movement. The NSM was a Neo-Nazi organisation founded on Hitler's birthday by Colin Jordan. In the 1960s, its members were responsible for an arson campaign against synagogues and Jewish property.
In October 1983, Brons was leading a group of NF supporters handing out leaflets in Leeds city centre which were heard shouting slogans including "white power" and "death to Jews." When a police officer asked the group to disperse, Brons called him an "inferior being". Brons was brought before Leeds magistrates and convicted of abuse and breaching the peace. He was fined £50.
I would ask all those who voted for the BNP IS THIS THE KIND OF PARTY YOU WANT TO REPRESENT YOU?
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