Monday, 7 February 2011

A Change of Title.......and Dogs & Cats

The observant of you may well have noticed that the sub heading (under Bill at Bingley - Random Jottings) has changed. Over the last year or so the content of my blog has changed too.

It started out as mainly comments on current items in the news, but it has gradually developed into a sort of family events diary! So a change in the sub heading was called for.

I have also had requests from the grandchildren to let Ruby contribute. They tell me her contributions are far more interesting than mine! Over the last few blogs she has "put her paw in" and passed on a few of her own comments!

Looking back I see that the family have gradually become inundated with dogs. First of all there was Ruby, our much loved chocolate labrador, who arrived at our house on the first of March 2008, as a six months plus pup. She is now an integral part of the family, and is involved in all the family comings and goings.

Ruby after taking a swim in the stream at Flascoe Bridge in Austwick

Ruby was followed by Hannah getting a miniature pinscher called Pixie. (I think I am correct in saying that about the same time she also had a kitten called Dolly, who still lives with her and Ben, and puts up with all the dogs!)

Pixie in our back garden.

It was not too long after this that Hannah was asked if she would look after a friends Shih - Tzu (called Macy.) The friend eventually gave birth to twins, and Hannah prevailed on her friend to let her keep Macy. Macy had never really been taken for walks and I recall that the first few occasions were something of a sight for sore eyes. Macy refused to walk when on a lead and had to be dragged everywhere! Needless to say, she now thoroughly enjoys her walks!

Macy in our back garden

Not too long after this Macy was mated and produced three super little pups. They were "christened" Raphael, Leonardo and Tank - Tank being the "beefy" one of the trio. Tank eventually went to a couple from Farnley and was called "Teddy". Raphael & Leonardo have gone to live with Sarah, and after having a recent visit from Raphael he seems to have taken on Macy's early tendancies of not wanting to walk when he is on the lead!

From left to right - Tank (Teddy), Raphael & Leonardo

This is Raphael (Raffi Bear) at our house recently.

The latest addition in the Martin household is another miniature pinscher called "Twig"

I mustn't forget to mention the two cats in the Philips household - Wilson and Milo, and the two cats in the Wilson household - Socks and Tillie. So, all in all, the family has grown to 5 cats and 6 dogs!

Oh! and somewhere along the way we also picked up three grandchildren!!!

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