I took Ruby out for her final walk last night and there was no sign of any snow. It was quite cold. The snow which had been forecast for Saturday earlier on in the week had disappeared from the forecasts, so it was something of a surprise when I got up this morning and saw what had happened during the early hours. It must have snowed before 5.00, because the milk bottles were not covered in snow, (The milk usually arrives between 4.50 am and 5.00am) but there were the milkman's footprints up the drive.
This was the view I had looking up the field at about 8.00am. The lone figure is Gordon out with his dog. Ruby had already been out and had a wild session in the snow in our drive!

On returning from taking Dot to work, the car had a bit of a struggle getting up Manor Road - (there had not been much in the way of traffic, although the road had been gritted), and I had to give way to a car coming down Ryecroft Avenue, and that was a bit of a problem when I came to try to set off again - I was in untouched snow! I'd taken the precaution of digging two tracks out of our drive, and rock salting them and the road immediately outside the drive, so once I reached home the car went up the drive with no problems.
I have a wedding to play for this afternoon at 2.00 pm, and I think I could safely say that the bride is assured of a "white wedding!"
The snow feathering the bushes in the garden looks quite picturesque. You can see the depth of the snow on the shot below - look at the top of the fence in the foreground.

Last time we had some cold weather I took some shots of the icicles hanging from the bargeboarding outside our bedroom window. The icicle below was hanging from the central heating outlet!

Luckily we decided to do our Christmas Food shopping yesterday, and did a shop at Marks & Spencers in Skipton.
It's the Festival of Lessons and Carols tomorrow at church at 6.30 pm. so I'm keeping my fingers that no more snow falls!
I also have a funeral to play for at Lawnswood Crem (at Leeds) next Thursday, so once again I'm hoping there isn't any heavy fall of snow!