I was reading an article in today’s Yorkshire Post which was headed “Make Do and Mend message for the 21st Century” During the War Years families didn’t have to be implored to recycle. They simply couldn’t afford new items so it was a case of make do and mend. Sacrifices were made. Food was minimal, and more often than not children wore hand me down clothes. Yet this frugal existence did have its benefits. It taught people to appreciate the value of money – something today’s younger generation seem unable to comprehend.
So have we come full circle?
Today we are implored to cut down on CO2 emissions and stay at home for our holidays. The new term for a stay at home holiday is a “staycation” presumably made up of stay [at home] and [va]cation.
I wonder if you remember this poster issued at the end of the war, asking us to take "Stay at home Holidays?"

Probably even more pertinent today (in the light of the economic meltdown) and the general state of the economy is this one!
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