The last three days seem to have been a series of cancellations, due to the prospect of bad weather and snowfalls.
On Sunday, after reading the weather forecasts for the Bingely Area for Monday, I took a straw poll of some of the members of the Eldwick & Gilstead Male Voice Choir, and the overwhelming result was "Cancel tonight's practice" It was probably the correct decision, as when I came to take Ruby out for her final evening stroll, the snow was falling quite heavily and she came back blond and I came back looking like the Abominable Snowman!
I looked out of our bedroom window about 4.30 am on Tuesday morning, and the road and pavement could barely be discerned. Nothing had been along the road, not even a gritter or a snowplough, so when I got up at about 7.30 am I decided that I would cancel my visit to Crossflatts Primary. It seems I was not the only one to make this decision, because both Bingley Grammar and Beckfoot were both closed!

According to the Met Office internet weather forecast for the Bradford area, we are due for heavy falls of snow at 09.00 and 15.00. on Wednesday. I am supposed to be doing my stint at Skipton TIC tomorrow (between 10.00 and 16.00), but having heeded the weather forecast I have phoned to say that I will probably not be going. I don't fancy getting stuck on the Aire Valley Trunk Road, and having to walk back to Cottingley!
I have a wedding to play on Saturday morning -the wedding is due to take place at 12.00, but as they are having the Aire Valley Singers, and a trumpeter, who both require me to accompany them it means I will have to be down at church by 11.00 at the latest to run through their music with them. It could be intereting if it decides to snow heavily on Friday night....... Oh! I gather the heating failed in All Saints on Sunday, so if it is still out of action there might be some lusty singing to help keep the congregation warm!